Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
Next: Irrational and
Transcendental Up: Numbers Previous: Comparisons on Numbers
Each of the functions in this section requires that its arguments all be numbers; to call one with a non-number is an error. Unless otherwise specified, each works on all types of numbers, automatically performing any required coercions when arguments are of different types.
+ &rest
This returns the sum of the arguments. If there are no arguments, the
result is 0
, which is an identity for this operation.
Compatibility note: While +
compatible with its use in Lisp Machine Lisp, it is incompatible with
MacLisp, which uses +
for fixnum-only addition.
The function -
, when given one argument, returns the
negative of that argument.
The function -
, when given more than one argument,
successively subtracts from the first argument all the others, and
returns the result. For example, (- 3 4 5)
Compatibility note: While -
compatible with its use in Lisp Machine Lisp, it is incompatible with
MacLisp, which uses -
for fixnum-only subtraction. Also,
differs from difference
as used in most Lisp
systems in the case of one argument.
* &rest
This returns the product of the arguments. If there are no arguments,
the result is 1
, which is an identity for this
Compatibility note: While *
compatible with its use in Lisp Machine Lisp, it is incompatible with
MacLisp, which uses *
for fixnum-only multiplication.
The function /
, when given more than one argument,
successively divides the first argument by all the others and returns
the result.
It is generally accepted that it is an error for any argument other than
the first to be zero.
With one argument, /
reciprocates the argument.
It is generally accepted that it is an error in this case for the
argument to be zero.
will produce a ratio if the mathematical quotient of
two integers is not an exact integer. For example:
(/ 12 4) => 3
(/ 13 4) => 13/4
(/ -8) => -1/8
(/ 3 4 5) => 3/20
To divide one integer by another producing an integer result, use one
of the functions floor
, ceiling
, or round
If any argument is a floating-point number, then the rules of floating-point contagion apply.
Compatibility note: What /
does is
totally unlike what the usual //
or quotient
operator does. In most Lisp systems, quotient
behaves like
except when dividing integers, in which case it behaves
like truncate
of two arguments; this behavior is
mathematically intractable, leading to such anomalies as
(quotient 1.0 2.0) => 0.5 but (quotient 1 2) => 0
In contrast, the Common Lisp function /
produces these
(/ 1.0 2.0) => 0.5 and (/ 1 2) => 1/2
In practice quotient
is used only when one is sure that
both arguments are integers, or when one is sure that at least
one argument is a floating-point number. /
is tractable for
its purpose and works for any numbers.
is the same as
is the same as
. Note that the
short name may be confusing:
does not
mean 1-x; rather, it means x-1.
Rationale: These are included primarily for
compatibility with MacLisp and Lisp Machine Lisp. Some programmers
prefer always to write (+ x 1)
and (- x 1)
instead of (1+ x)
and (1- x)
Implementation note: Compiler writers are very
strongly encouraged to ensure that (1+ x)
(+ x 1)
compile into identical code, and similarly for
(1- x)
and (- x 1)
, to avoid pressure on a
Lisp programmer to write possibly less clear code for the sake of
efficiency. This can easily be done as a source-language
The number produced by the form delta is added to
) or subtracted from (decf
) the number in
the generalized variable named by place, and the sum is stored
back into place and returned. The form place may be
any form acceptable as a generalized variable to setf
. If
delta is not supplied, then the number in place is
changed by 1
. For example:
(setq n 0)
(incf n) => 1 and now n => 1
(decf n 3) => -2 and now n => -2
(decf n -5) => 3 and now n => 3
(decf n) => 2 and now n => 2
The effect of
is roughly equivalent to
(setf place (+ place delta))
except that the latter would evaluate any subforms of place
twice, whereas incf
takes care to evaluate them only once.
Moreover, for certain place forms incf
may be
significantly more efficient than the setf
X3J13 voted in March 1988 (PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER) to clarify order of
evaluation (see section 7.2).
This returns the complex conjugate of number. The conjugate
of a non-complex number is itself. For a complex number
(conjugate z) == (complex (realpart z) (- (imagpart z)))
For example:
(conjugate #C(3/5 4/5)) => #C(3/5 -4/5)
(conjugate #C(0.0D0 -1.0D0)) => #C(0.0D0 1.0D0)
(conjugate 3.7) => 3.7
gcd &rest
This returns the greatest common divisor of all the arguments, which
must be integers. The result of gcd
is always a
non-negative integer. If one argument is given, its absolute value is
returned. If no arguments are given, gcd
, which is an identity for this operation. For three or
more arguments,
(gcd a b c ... z) == (gcd (gcd a b) c ... z)
Here are some examples of the use of gcd
(gcd 91 -49) => 7
(gcd 63 -42 35) => 7
(gcd 5) => 5
(gcd -4) => 4
(gcd) => 0
This returns the least common multiple of its arguments, which must
be integers. The result of lcm
is always a non-negative
integer. For two arguments that are not both zero,
(lcm a b) == (/ (abs (* a b)) (gcd a b))
If one or both arguments are zero,
(lcm a 0) == (lcm 0 a) == 0
For one argument, lcm
returns the absolute value of that
argument. For three or more arguments,
(lcm a b c ... z) == (lcm (lcm a b) c ... z)
Some examples:
(lcm 14 35) => 70
(lcm 0 5) => 0
(lcm 1 2 3 4 5 6) => 60
Mathematically, (lcm)
should return infinity. Because
Common Lisp does not have a representation for infinity,
, unlike gcd
, always requires at least one
X3J13 voted in January 1989 (LCM-NO-ARGUMENTS) to specify that
(lcm) => 1
This is one of my biggest boners. The identity for lcm
is of course 1, not infinity, and so (lcm)
ought to have
been defined to return 1. Sorry about that, though in point of fact very
few users have complained to me that this mistake in the first edition
has cramped their programming style.
Next: Irrational and
Transcendental Up: Numbers Previous: Comparisons on Numbers