Random whining and stuff.
Hello, world! Today we’re going to hear the story of Evil King Java and his quest for worldwide verb stamp-outage.^(1)
Caution: This story does not have a happy ending. It is neither a story for the faint of heart nor for the critical of mouth. If you’re easily offended, or prone to being a disagreeable knave in blog comments, please stop reading now.
Before we begin the story, let’s get some conceptual gunk out of the way.
The Garbage Overfloweth
All Java people love “use cases”, so let’s begin with a use case: namely, taking out the garbage. As in, “Johnny, take out that garbage! It’s overflowing!”
If you’re a normal, everyday, garden-variety, English-speaking person, and you’re asked to describe the act of taking out the garbage, you probably think about it roughly along these lines:
get the garbage bag from under the sink
carry it out to the garage
dump it in the garbage can
walk back inside
wash your hands
plop back down on the couch
resume playing your video game (or whatever you were doing)
Even if you don’t think in English, you still probably still thought of a similar set of actions, except in your favorite language. Regardless of the language you chose, or the exact steps you took, taking out the garbage is a series of actions that terminates in the garbage being outside, and you being back inside, because of the actions you took.
Our thoughts are filled with brave, fierce, passionate actions: we live, we breathe, we walk, we talk, we laugh, we cry, we hope, we fear, we eat, we drink, we stop, we go, we take out the garbage. Above all else, we are free to do and to act. If we were all just rocks sitting in the sun, life might still be OK, but we wouldn’t be free. Our freedom comes precisely from our ability to do things.
Of course our thoughts are also filled with nouns. We eat nouns, and buy nouns from the store, and we sit on nouns, and sleep on them. Nouns can fall on your head, creating a big noun on your noun. Nouns are things, and where would we be without things? But they’re just things, that’s all: the means to an end, or the ends themselves, or precious possessions, or names for the objects we observe around around us. There’s a building. Here’s a rock. Any child can point out the nouns. It’s the changes happening to those nouns that make them interesting.
Change requires action. Action is what gives life its spice. Action even gives spices their spice! After all, they’re not spicy until you eat them. Nouns may be everywhere, but life’s constant change, and constant interest, is all in the verbs.
And of course in addition to verbs and nouns, we also have our adjectives, our prepositions, our pronouns, our articles, the inevitable conjunctions, the yummy expletives, and all the other lovely parts of speech that let us think and say interesting things. I think we can all agree that the parts of speech each play a role, and all of them are important. It would be a shame to lose any of them.
Wouldn’t it be strange if we suddenly decided that we could no longer use verbs?
Let me tell you a story about a place that did exactly that…
The Kingdom of Nouns
In the Kingdom of Javaland, where King Java rules with a silicon fist, people aren’t allowed to think the way you and I do. In Javaland, you see, nouns are very important, by order of the King himself. Nouns are the most important citizens in the Kingdom. They parade around looking distinguished in their showy finery, which is provided by the Adjectives, who are quite relieved at their lot in life. The Adjectives are nowhere near as high-class as the Nouns, but they consider themselves quite lucky that they weren’t born Verbs.
Because the Verb citizens in this Kingdom have it very, very bad.
In Javaland, by King Java’s royal decree, Verbs are owned by Nouns. But they’re not mere pets; no, Verbs in Javaland perform all the chores and manual labor in the entire kingdom. They are, in effect, the kingdom’s slaves, or at very least the serfs and indentured servants. The residents of Javaland are quite content with this situation, and are indeed scarcely aware that things could be any different.
Verbs in Javaland are responsible for all the work, but as they are held in contempt by all, no Verb is ever permitted to wander about freely. If a Verb is to be seen in public at all, it must be escorted at all times by a Noun.
Of course “escort”, being a Verb itself, is hardly allowed to run around naked; one must procure a VerbEscorter to facilitate the escorting. But what about “procure” and “facilitate?” As it happens, Facilitators and Procurers are both rather important Nouns whose job is is the chaperonement of the lowly Verbs “facilitate” and “procure”, via Facilitation and Procurement, respectively.
The King, consulting with the Sun God on the matter, has at times threatened to banish entirely all Verbs from the Kingdom of Java. If this should ever to come to pass, the inhabitants would surely need at least one Verb to do all the chores, and the King, who possesses a rather cruel sense of humor, has indicated that his choice would be most assuredly be “execute”.
The Verb “execute”, and its synonymous cousins “run”, “start”, “go”, “justDoIt”, “makeItSo”, and the like, can perform the work of any other Verb by replacing it with an appropriate Executioner and a call to execute(). Need to wait? Waiter.execute(). Brush your teeth? ToothBrusher(myTeeth).go(). Take out the garbage? TrashDisposalPlanExecutor.doIt(). No Verb is safe; all can be replaced by a Noun on the run.
In the more patriotic corners of Javaland, the Nouns have entirely ousted the Verbs. It may appear to casual inspection that there are still Verbs here and there, tilling the fields and emptying the chamber pots. But if one looks more closely, the secret is soon revealed: Nouns can rename their execute() Verb after themselves without changing its character in the slightest. When you observe the FieldTiller till(), the ChamberPotEmptier empty(), or the RegistrationManager register(), what you’re really seeing is one of the evil King’s army of executioners, masked in the clothes of its owner Noun.
Verbs in Neighboring Kingdoms
In the neighboring programming-language kingdoms, taking out the trash is a straightforward affair, very similar to the way we described it in English up above. As is the case in Java, data objects are nouns, and functions are verbs.^(2) But unlike in Javaland, citizens of other kingdoms may mix and match nouns and verbs however they please, in whatever way makes sense for conducting their business.
For instance, in the neighboring realms of C-land, JavaScript-land, Perl-land and Ruby-land, someone might model taking out the garbage as a series of actions — that is to say, verbs, or functions. Then if they apply the actions to the appropriate objects, in the appropriate order (get the trash, carry it outside, dump it in the can, etc.), the garbage-disposal task will complete successfully, with no superfluous escorts or chaperones required for any of the steps.
There’s rarely any need in these kingdoms to create wrapper nouns to swaddle the verbs. They don’t have GarbageDisposalStrategy nouns, nor GarbageDisposalDestinationLocator nouns for finding your way to the garage, nor PostGarbageActionCallback nouns for putting you back on your couch. They just write the verbs to operate on the nouns lying around, and then have a master verb, take_out_garbage(), that springs the subtasks to action in just the right order.
These neighboring kingdoms generally provide mechanisms for creating important nouns, when the need arises. If the diligent inventors in these kingdoms create an entirely new, useful concept that didn’t exist before, such as a house, or a cart, or a machine for tilling fields faster than a person can, then they can give the concept a Class, which provides it with a name, a description, some state, and operating instructions.
The difference is that when Verbs are allowed to exist independently, you don’t need to invent new Noun concepts to hold them.
Javalanders look upon their neighbors with disdain; this is the way of things in the Kingdoms of Programming.
If You Dig a Hole Deep Enough…
On the other side of the world is a sparsely inhabited region in whose kingdoms Verbs are the citizens of eminence. These are the Functional Kingdoms, including Haskellia, Ocamlica, Schemeria, and several others. Their citizens rarely cross paths with the kingdoms near Javaland. Because there are few other kingdoms nearby, the Functional Kingdoms must look with disdain upon each other, and make mutual war when they have nothing better to do.
In the Functional Kingdoms, Nouns and Verbs are generally considered equal-caste citizens. However, the Nouns, being, well, nouns, mostly sit around doing nothing at all. They don’t see much point in running or executing anything, because the Verbs are quite active and see to all that for them. There are no strange laws mandating the creation of helper Nouns to escort each Verb, so there are only exactly as many Nouns as there are Things in each kindgom.
As a result of all this, the Verbs have the run of the place, if you’ll pardon the expression. As an outsider, you could easily form the impression that Verbs (i.e., the functions) are the most important citizens by far. That, incidentally, is why they’re called the Functional Kingdoms and not the Thingy Kingdoms.
In the remotest regions, beyond the Functional Kingdoms, lies a fabled realm called Lambda the Ultimate. In this place it is said that there are no nouns at all, only verbs! There are “things” there, but all things are created from verbs, even the very integers for counting lambs, which are the most popular form of trading currency there, if the rumors speak truth. The number zero is simply lambda(), and 1 is lambda(lambda()), 2 is lambda(lambda(lambda())), and so on. Every single Thing in this legendary region, be it noun, verb or otherwise, is constructed from the primal verb “lambda”.^(3)
To be quite honest, most Javalanders are blissfully unaware of the existence of the other side of the world. Can you imagine their culture shock? They would find it so disorienting that they might have to invent some new nouns (such as “Xenophobia”) to express their new feelings.
Are Javalanders Happy?
You might think daily life in Javaland would be at best a little strange, and at worst grossly inefficient. But you can tell how happy a society is through their nursery rhymes, and Javaland’s are whimsically poetic. For instance, Javaland children oft recite the famous cautionary tale:
For the lack of a nail,
throw new HorseshoeNailNotFoundException("no nails!");
For the lack of a horseshoe,
For the lack of a horse,
new BroadcastMessage(StableFactory.getNullHorseInstance()));
For the lack of a rider,
new MessageMedium(MessageType.VERBAL),
new MessageTransport(MessageTransportType.MOUNTED_RIDER),
new MessageSessionDestination(BattleManager.getRoutingInfo(
For the lack of a message,
For the lack of a battle,
try {
synchronized(BattleInformationRouterLock.getLockInstance()) {
} catch (InterruptedException ix) {
if (BattleSessionManager.getBattleStatus(
new TweedleBeetlePuddlePaddleBattle()).populate(
RegionManager.getArmpitProvince(Armpit.LEFTMOST)))) ==
BattleStatus.LOST) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.TOTALLY_SCREWED)) {
For the lack of a war,
new ServiceExecutionJoinPoint(
new PublishSubscribeNotificationSchema()).getSchemaProxy().
new NotificationSchemaPriority(SchemaPriority.MAX_PRIORITY),
new PublisherMessage(MessageFactory.getAbstractMessage(
new MessageTransport(MessageTransportType.WOUNDED_SURVIVOR),
new MessageSessionDestination(
PartyRoleManager.PARTY_KING ||
PartyRoleManager.PARTY_GENERAL ||
All for the lack of a horseshoe nail.
It remains wonderful advice, even to this very day.
Although the telling of the tale in Javaland differs in some ways from Ben Franklin’s original, Javalanders feel their rendition has a distinct charm all its own.
The main charm is that the architecture is there for all to see. Architecture is held in exceptionally high esteem by King Java, because architecture consists entirely of nouns. As we know, nouns are things, and things are prized beyond all actions in the Kingdom of Java. Architecture is made of things you can see and touch, things that tower over you imposingly, things that emit a satisfying clunk when you whack them with a stick. King Java dearly loves clunking noises; he draws immense satisfaction from kicking the wheels when he’s trying out a new horse-drawn coach. Whatever its flaws may be, the tale above does not want for things.
One of our first instincts as human beings is to find shelter from the elements; the stronger the shelter, the safer we feel. In Javaland, there are many strong things to make the citizens feel safe. They marvel at the massive architectural creations and think “this must be a strong design”. This feeling is reinforced when they try to make any changes to the structure; the architectural strength then becomes daunting enough that they feel nobody could bring this structure down.
In addition to the benefits of a strong architecture, everything in Javaland is nicely organized: you’ll find every noun in its proper place. And the stories all take a definite shape: object construction is the dominant type of expression, with a manager for each abstraction and a run() method for each manager. With a little experience at this kind of conceptual modeling, Java citizens realize they can express any story in this style. There’s a kind of “noun calculus” backing it that permits the expression of any abstraction, any computation you like. All one needs are sufficient nouns, constructors for those nouns, accessor methods for traversing the noun-graph, and the all-important execute() to carry out one’s plans.
The residents of the Kingdom of Java aren’t merely happy — they’re bursting with pride!
StateManager.getConsiderationSetter(“Noun Oriented Thinking”, State.HARMFUL).run()
Or, as it is said outside the Kingdom of Java, “Noun Oriented Thinking Considered Harmful”.
Object Oriented Programming puts the Nouns first and foremost. Why would you go to such lengths to put one part of speech on a pedestal? Why should one kind of concept take precedence over another? It’s not as if OOP has suddenly made verbs less important in the way we actually think. It’s a strangely skewed perspective. As my friend Jacob Gabrielson once put it, advocating Object-Oriented Programming is like advocating Pants-Oriented Clothing.
Java’s static type system, like any other, has its share of problems. But the extreme emphasis on noun-oriented thought processes (and consequently, modeling processes) is more than a bit disturbing. Any type system will require you to re-shape your thoughts somewhat to fit the system, but eliminating standalone verbs seems a step beyond all rationale or reason.
C++ doesn’t exhibit the problem, because C++, being a superset of C, allows you to define standalone functions. Moreover, C++ provides a distinct namespace abstraction; Java overloads the idea of a Class to represent namespaces, user-defined types, syntactic delegation mechanisms, some visibility and scoping mechanisms, and more besides.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not claiming C++ is “good”. But I do find myself appreciating the flexibility of its type system, at least compared with Java’s. C++ suffers from problems causing reasonable-looking sentences to cause listeners to snap and try to kill you (i.e., unexpected segfaults and other pitfalls for the unwary), and it can be extremely difficult to find the exact incantation for expressing a particular thought in C++. But the range of succinctly expressible thoughts far exceeds Java’s, because C++ gives you verbs, and who’d want to speak in a language that doesn’t?
Classes are really the only modeling tool Java provides you. So whenever a new idea occurs to you, you have to sculpt it or wrap it or smash at it until it becomes a thing, even if it began life as an action, a process, or any other non-“thing” concept.
I’ve really come around to what Perl folks were telling me 8 or 9 years ago: “Dude, not everything is an object.”
It’s odd, though, that Java^(4) appears to be the only mainstream object-oriented language that exhibits radically noun-centric behavior. You’ll almost never find an AbstractProxyMediator, a NotificationStrategyFactory, or any of their ilk in Python or Ruby. Why do you find them everywhere in Java? It’s a sure bet that the difference is in the verbs. Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Perl, and of course all Functional languages allow you to declare and pass around functions as distinct entities without wrapping them in a class.
It’s certainly easier to do this in dynamically typed languages; you just pass a reference to the function, obtained from its name, and it’s up to the caller to invoke the function with the proper arguments and use its return value correctly.
But many statically-typed languages have first-class functions as well. This includes verbosely-typed languages like C and C++, and also type-inferring languages like Haskell and ML. The languages just need to provide a syntax for creating, passing and invoking function literals with an appropriate type signature.
There’s no reason Java couldn’t simply add first-class functions and finally enter the grown-up, non-skewed world that allows people to use verbs as part of their thought processes. In fact there’s a JVM language called The Nice programming language that sports a very Java-like syntax, but also includes expressive facilities for using verbs: standalone functions, which Java forces you to wrap with Callbacks or Runnables or other anonymous interface implementation classes to be able to refer to them.
Sun wouldn’t even have to break their convention of requiring all functions to be “owned” by classes. Every anonymous function could carry an implicit “this” pointer to the class in which it was defined; problem solved.
I don’t know why Sun insists on keeping Java squarely planted in the Kingdom of Nouns. I doubt it’s a matter of underestimating their constituency; they added generics, which are a far more complex concept, so they clearly no longer care deeply about keeping the language simple. And that’s not a bad thing, necessarily, because Java’s established now: it makes more sense to start giving Java programmers tools that let them program the way they think.
I sure hope they fix this, so I can take the trash out and get back to my video game. Or whatever I was doing.
[1] Beginning with the verb “to stamp out”, which is being replaced by a call to VerbEliminatorFactory.createVerbEliminator(currentContext).operate(). But that’s getting waaaaay ahead of ourselves…
[2] And variable names are proper nouns, attributes are adjectives, operators often serve as conjunctions, varargs are the pronoun “y’all”, and so on. But this is all beside the point of our story.
[3] The meaning of the verb “lambda” is allegedly “to lambda”.
[4] And arguably C#, due to its similar roots.
posted by Steve Yegge at 3:00 AM
Anonymous said…
You sir, are a genius!
Anonymous said…
The Law of Demeter violations! They burn!
Linden said…
Brilliant, Steve! Great post!
Anonymous said…
I have often dreamt of first-class functions…
Anonymous said…
This rant is utterly idiotic. The great investment in literary allure is
there in order to mask its hollow emptiness.
Why should one class of words be put on a pedestal above another? Gee, I don’t know, could it just be because natural languages ALL DO THE SAME?
All natural languages have something called a WORD ORDER, they’re either SVO, VSO, blah blah. Now, as it happens, the english language has Subject-Verb-Object word order.
And not just that, but SVO is by far the most predominant of all word orders in linguistics. Naive people think it’s because SVO is easier and more natural to the human brain. Gee, imagine that.
So from the EVIDENCE, a naive person might think that SVO is a GOOD THING. But apparently, evidence isn’t a concern to the brainless and disaffected.
No, because the brainless and disaffected would rather speak we all in tongues twisted. Apparently dealing it not enough is with the complexity of programming, as well have to learn you an alien word order.
Hey Idiot, Ich spreche nicht Deutsches und ich wünsche nicht zu auch nicht.
Bah, come back when you have a real argument!
Anonymous said…
“Steve, take out the trash.”
Is there really any difference?
If I missed the point, well, I had trouble finding it in Noun Verb Story Land.
Anonymous said…
Good stuff. Thanks for writing it.
Anonymous said…
Wah! Java isn’tenglish
Wah, Wah, wah.
Anonymous said…
shoes, I would argue you did not get the point. I do not think the rant
was against OOP… the rant was against Java’s interpretation of OOP. In
their interpretation, actions are turned into verbs unnecessarily.
Factories, proxies, and enablers litter the landscape with verbal
Other languages manage to be object oriented without spiraling down into object fetishism like Java has.
Anonymous said…
You know, at first I was just going to say “Dude, two words, ‘Object
Oriented’.” But then I read on, and despite being a bit long, your
article was funny, and well, was true.
I’m currently reading _Head First Design Patterns_ and while the book is good, the message, the use of patterns … is disturbing. It’s creating similar-yet-different objects all over, and replacing other, perhaps better ways of abstracting out commonality with … Nouns.
Thanks for the post.
Anonymous said…
The point isn’t that object orientation is bad, it’s a wonderful
paradigm for hiding the implementation of a system. Rather, the point is
that Java’s type system (specifically, lack of first class functions)
causes people to create classes solely for the purpose of shepherding
functions around. In many cases it’s taken to such an absurd extent and
the work around can lead to other poor practices.
It’s telling that very powerful IDEs are commonly used to develop in Java, C#, etc but is far less commonplace in other languages.
Jensen said…
I especially liked the “Fox In Socks” reference:
Anonymous said…
Steve… your writing skills are impressive. However, if classes in java
are such a PITA to many people, I have a workaround:
class AllNounsAndVerbsInExistence {
…declare all nouns as vars…
…declare all verbs as functions…
pretty cool and just as flat as any other lang where you can have a first-class function, no? :)
Basu said…
have you ever considered writing your own computer language? I think
that every CS student in college should create or atleast design their
own language.
Farran said…
Alan Kay, who ought to know, once said something similar - “I’m sorry
that I long ago coined the term”objects” for this topic because it gets
many people to focus on the lesser idea.”
The full post is here http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/1998-October/017019.html
Anonymous said…
The magic word is closures. Functions are objects, too. “Verb” is a
noun. Contrary to what you wrote, C and C++ do not have first-class
functions. You can only mess with pointers to functions. They lack
closures, and that’s why you have “function objects” in C++, which are
closures masqueraded as classes. Thus, C++ allows a verbose form of
Higher-Order Programming. If you ask a Java programmer to find the first
integer in an array that is in the range of 2 and 7, he will think of a
*loop*. If you ask a competent C++ programmer, he will think
std::find_if and an in_range class. Of course, it is pretty silly to use
classes when you really mean functions (there goes the Command design
pattern! Oh, and look for all those lambda/closures proposals to the C++
Standard). Java is a damn limited, and therefore limiting language. But
it’s OK, because that’s its guiding PHILOSOPHY. It’s rotten from the
core. C++ does much, much better. C++ pales in comparison to, say,
Common Lisp. In fact, everything pales in comparison to Common Lisp when
it comes to expressivity.
By the way, thinking more about verbs in addition to nouns is something you should seriously ponder. It’s a great way to figure out how to take full advantage of CLOS. Generic Function is not just a pretty name.
Well, kind of a brain-dump comment. I should write some articles real soon now.
Anonymous said…
I can’t wait until they make this into a children’s holiday special.
Rudolph gets lost in the land of Noun Lords and eventually rescues the
enslaved Verbs, who then help him save Festivus by demonstrating feats
of strength. It’s gold, I tell you. Gold!
As for pedantic richard, SVO may be interesting for natural languages, but less so for computer languages. Natural languages are imprecise, hence the necessity of computer languages or mathematical notation.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, it’s awesome for natural languages, it sucks for computer programs though. Natural language has the tremendous advantage that a human brain is involved in establishing meaning and context for all of the symbols involved. Much of this information is inferred from past knowledge. A computer program cannot do this.
We cannot simply establish a class car and have it automatically populated with all the attributes and abilities normally attributed to the concept of a car.
So, yes, from the evidence, and without giving a moment’s thought to the issue, a naive person would conclude that SVO is a good thing for programs.
Within the context of understanding the differences between the concepts and assumptions of natural language and computer languages, one would include that that naive person is an idiot.
Yegge said…
ariel: interesting comments all around! Yes, you should write some
articles. Post a link!
Naysayers: Ruby has blocks. Blocks are verbs – each custom-crafted to meet the demands of the situation at hand. The Nice language has them too. So do pretty much all other languages, except for Java. (Modulo ariel’s correct observations about those that lack closures, but even then it beats Java’s nothing.)
Why doesn’t Java just add them? It’d go a long way towards bringing me back into the fold. Hell, I’d stop trying to rewrite my game in some other language, even.
Abel A.
Nice wording!
I think you miss something though. Nouns are more important
than verbs. And you know why? Because there can be nouns
without verbs, but there cannot be one single verb without a noun. Verbs
are just nouns expressing themselves. There is one exception. All nouns
need one verb: exist. So, yes, they belong to each other, and
should do all things together. I fully agree with you that a world of
nouns without verbs is dead and boring, but that does not change the
rest of the story.
Anonymous said…
It’s like Java forces you to use the active voice, in that each verb
must always have a clear subject. They say it’s good style to use the
active voice, but taking this to an extreme leads to some odd sentences.
Often the subject is just a distraction.
It’s hard for me to describe why I’m allergic to Java. I think you may
have touched upon some of it.
Anonymous said…
Quite the contrary, Java forces you to associate actions not with their
subjects, but most often with their objects.
That’s why it can get so weird.
Anonymous said…
You overlooked the fact that one could use static functions in Java
classes similar to free functions in C++ namespaces (a la the Math
package). Granted, most Java APIs don’t follow this pattern; however,
the Java languages doesn’t prevent you from programming in this
Anonymous said…
Only one (small) complaint… Whorf.
The artcle strongly reminds me of Benjamin Lee Whorf. If you know of him it would be nice to mention, if not please read Language thought and reality
It was Whorf who pointed out that SVO is not normal but just SAE (Standard Indo European) and that in a language like Hopi you simply say ‘flashed’ for the English sentence The light flashed. Its the English SVO pattern that causes us to invent a spurious light to flash.
In short, object oriented thinking is essentially the burden of the ‘white man’.
Anonymous said…
Steve, you might be interested in Bertrand Russell’s philosophy,
especially as he was concerned with using mathematical logic to
reconstruct the meaning in everyday language. E.g. An Inquiry Into
Meaning And Truth, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, Principles
Of Mathematics. If you are courageous, some Principia Mathematica can’t
hurt as well (I hear maths is a hobby of yours). According to Russell,
nouns are particulars, while verbs and adjectives represent universals.
The interesting thing is that the existence of particulars is not
logically necessary, so in order to reconstruct meaning without
burdening it with gratuitous assumptions, it is necessary to define
particulars as bundles of universals (i.e. as the subject of a
proposition). I’m not sure, though, whether that line of thought would
make your argument more convincing.
I am puzzled by one particular implication of your noun/verb dichotomy. It seems to me that what you want to do with functions is pass them around (as you can in C with function pointers while in Java, you can define pure functions but not pass them around unwrapped). If functions are verbs, I wonder what could be the meaning of “passing verbs around”? This is definitely not what you usually do with verbs, whether in SVO or Hopi. So does this, or does it not, imply that you plan to treat verbs as nouns? I’d just warn you that some of us are taking verb protection quite seriously ;-)
Anonymous said…
Disambiguation note: I am not the “richard” of that hilariously
delusional rant.
A fun post. Thanks.
As I see it, the root of this problem, is that Java was designed in reaction to the perceived weaknesses of C++, according to the prevailing wisdom of the early 1990’s. One of those weaknesses was that many developers were not taking advantage of C++’s OO features. Solution: severely discourage non-OO programming by forcing every function to be owned by a class.
Sometimes I marvel that Gosling et al allowed static functions and variables, but I suppose they had to have somewhere for main() to live.
Anonymous said…
Ever looked at the Scala programming language? It’s kind of like Nice, I
think (didn’t look too far into Nice after seeing the licensing).
Perhaps with these functional / OO languages on top of the JVM the Nouns and Verbs can learn to live together in peace? ;-)
Really enjoyed reading your blog posts.
In test-driven development, whatever language you might be using, the
emphasis is on defining tests which push along the design of the code.
Such tests focus on executing a method and making sure it does the right
thing. I don’t know how widespread tdd is in the Java world in general,
but I think here in Calgary it is becoming quite popular.
Millikan said…
A quick opinion on the SVO thing (Likely someone already said most of
this and I wasn’t listening):
In a procedurally (or, partly, functionally) styled program, the assumption is that each statement is “computer, run…” or “language, compute…” or “thread, do…” or some such. OO replaces the computer/interpreter/process with an object. Both sets of ideas result in really good languages.
I don’t think the problem is purely in overframeworkerizing. It also lies in languages not having flexible means of describing verbs and subjects/objects. Lisp has a natural means of creating new lingual forms that contain such descriptive material. Other functional languages have awesome support for functions, which buys a lot of shortness and clarity. Flexible OO languages, especially those with closures or close, do well if certain things can be done with classes and objects that can be used as flexible descriptions and modifications of objects and verbs…
On the other hand, bad languages (C# is the language I have in mind) don’t give you much or any flexibility in finding new ways to shorten descriptions that are very lengthy at the lowest level inside the language - of objects instantiations and array accesses and so forth. The example “Take a list of numbers and square them” comes to mind. You can just barely get away with it in 4 lines of C#.
The frustrating, textboox example I have in mind is the ORM I’m using, LLBLGen Pro. It takes 25 lines of C# to fetch a table and a details table with 4 predicates, sorted. It would be possible but not very useful to try to shrink it to 10-15 through a utility, but I just don’t have the inspiration. (That’s probably why Hibernate has it’s own query language.)
Anyway. I’m a slave to C# by virture of signing on with a Microsoft Certified Partner, and I share the frustrations in the article.
Anonymous said…
I just don’t like the GPL and given a choice will avoid it.
What if, for instance, I wanted to embed the compiler to allow me to use Nice (or a DSL based on Nice) in my application (commercial)? Unpleasant problems occur… Better to start with something unfettered.
Anonymous said…
A noted PhD from Sun, read this essay, and had this to say:
“hmm, chuckle :) This guy has too much time on his hands ! he should be doing useful work, or inventing a new language to solve the problems. Its easy to throw stones - harder to actually roll up your sleeves and fix an issue or two, or write/create a whole new language, and then he should be prepared to take the same criticism from his peers the way he’s dishing it out for others. Shame - I thought developers were constructive guys and girls looking to make the lives of future software guys and girls easier and more productive, not self enamouring pseudo-intellectual debaters, as an old manager of mine used to say in banking IT - ‘do some work’ !”
BTW, this was posted successfully, why did you choose not to share this with the public?
Anonymous said…
Thanks for a wicked post. It always pissed me off to no end that
everything in Java is an object of some sort and it just didn’t seem
very intuitive when I first started using Java (and it still
Like they say, tho. If all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. I like languages that let you have the choice… proceedural, functional, OO’ed, strong/weak typed, etc etc…
Anonymous said…
Wow. According to some anonymous guy, some noted (but unnamed)
PhD at Sun said something smug and dismissive…
I would highly recommend to try out the Io language. It uses a very simple
syntax to provide a very powerful programming model (and among many
other things, it offers first class functions). Most of all, it is
backed by a tremendous community.
Fisher said…
Nice post, and an enjoyable read.
To Richard regarding word order:
In my experience, I’ll agree that most sentences are constructed as SVO, but not all. Impersonal constructions such as “No Smoking” don’t have this order. Furthermore, not all languages have a strict word order. For example the word order in Russian is flexible, and that is really the argument here - flexibility. A programming language, like a natural language, should allow verb-oriented constructs as well as noun-oriented ones. Like another commenter mentioned, it is as if Java forces you to use the active voice. It makes it more of a pain to abstract processes.
Cline said…
The the Sun exec: Not all writing is intended to change the world. Come
to think of it little of it is.
To Java: See Spot Run. i.See(new Spot().Run()); I have no trouble with this. What I do take issue with is trying to abstract out, up and away from where the rubber hits the road. That is this,
VisionContext vc = new VisionContext();
Observer i = ObserverFactory.GetCurrentObserver(vc);
Dog Spot = (Dog)NorthAmericanAnimalFactor.CreateAnimal(vc);
if (Spot typeof(RunningAnimal))
throw new AnimalMotationException(“Spot cannot run as it is not
catch (ObservationException oex)
And for some perverse reason the balance of Java programmers I’ve met do this, frankly I think, so they can feel akin to the existing JavaAPI.
It’s no wonder that movements like HTML, XML and Ajax are simple in comparison.
Damn that was an enjoyable piece of some very clever and entertaining
writing. From someone firmly entrenched in both JavaLand and
EmacsLispLand, and loving both.
I do hope that eventually your suggestion on enhancing Java to support functions is enacted. Java can only be the better for it.
The rest of the commentors conveyed most of the thoughts I had. To
Java’s constructs enforce better discipline than of C/C++. The modern order requires better stability and security than just speed. U dont want your nuclear missiles to fire or banks to wipe out ur hard earned money (all in bits and bytes) , just because there was an invalid pointer or memory fault.
Programming and in general Comp Sci, is no longer the realm of geeks where programmers play with gibberish bits and funny looking 0x000000BC23 and produce awesome output on the screen. World is far too much dependent on programming and thus programmers need to build better fool-proof systems.
If the programming construct means that I take a bit more effort to express my verbs or the program runs 3 times slower, I’m fine with it than the alternate involving crasing of my nuclear reactors and banks.
There are also quite a few prominent languages that are SOV. Japanese is
one example.
Chui Tey
Classic reinterpretation of Ben Franklin’s classic!
Makes absolute sense for English-speakers.
Julian Morrison said…
“There’s two things missing from java. First-class functions (with
proper closures) are one. Anonymous blocks, after the manner of Ruby,
are the other.”
The problem in Java is checked exception handling. Projecting a verb onto a collection of nouns is not all that difficult even if it does mean proliferating “functor” interfaces. But if your verb needs to throw a checked exception, you’re stuck with the equally unenviable choices of refactoring the method to throw Exception or wrapping your verb with boilerplate try/catch/wrap-in-unchecked-and-rethrow code.
Parnell said…
So to simplify, free functions have a useful place in programming; Java
coders are forced to define a class to hold ‘free’ functions, which in
turn makes Java harder to write, read and understand than it ought to
Is it possible for a single programming language to encompass the paradigms of free-functions, classes, and ‘functional’ programming? If so, it would be a very useful tool for expressing computer applications.
The D programming language is getting close to this ability.
Brilliant! Or should I say Me.getMouthController().exclaim(“Brilliant!”)
And for those SVO fans out there, a + b means “add a and b” not “a, please add b to yourself”. I suppose Javaites will prefer Computer.add(a,b). Yes! I’m sure they’re happy now - every verb is in the “Computer” package.
That was interesting, and I agree with most that it would be nice if
Java had an easier way to pass functions as parameters. But it seems
like we are discussing the wrong issue. The whole SVO issue doesn’t
really seem relevant because OOP isn’t about writing sentences, from
what I understand it’s about modeling software in a way that resembles
the real world. Everywhere you look you see nouns. In the real world you
never see a verb on its own. Verbs are, as one commenter said, nouns
expressing themselves. So all verbs are nouns in action, so in the real
world every verb is associated with the noun that is acting out the
verb. An OOP language models this by requiring every method (verb) to
belong to a class (noun).
In the real world we have procedures (like a cooking recipe, or an assembly instruction book for a bookshelf), but these are nouns not verbs. They contain a list of verbs that are acted out by other nouns. Any noun that can perform the list of verbs in the procedure can accomplish the task the procedure was design to accomplish. If you modeled this in Java, the procedure would be a method on a class and the method would receive an interface that defines all of the verbs that need to be acted out in the procedure. Any class implements that interface can then be passed to the procedure and the procedure tells the implementer when to execute each method.
The problem with OOP is that it isn’t really possible to model the real world because it’s too complex. If you really modeled the real world in a Java program you would end up with tons of classes for even simple programs. Also implementing some objects would create classes that are too large to manage. Like, for instance, any person can act out millions of verbs so a class that tried to model any human would be millions of lines long. Since that is not manageable the class would be broken into parts, but if you break it into parts then you are no longer modeling the real world.
So, from my perspective, being noun oriented is required by OOP, so the real problem isn’t that Java doesn’t give high enough regard to nouns, Java is just following what OOP dictates. The real issue is whether OOP is actually an effective way to write programs. I would argue that the fact that static methods exist in Java means that even Sun knows that pure OOP isn’t a good way to write a piece of software. So, with that in mind, how about giving Java an easier way to pass functions.
As a dad, my daughter occasionally wants to “make” things that are
broken. As a programmer, there are three ways to see that:
repair(dad, toy)
All three make sense in some way. It all depends on the number of toys, the number of dads, and the ways to repair them. It could even be
Repairs.doRepair(dad, toy, Repairs.TRAIN)
I can live with all of those constructs, but it’s nice when your programming language is flexible enough to give you the choice. The right tool for every problem, and so on.
However, to me the rant is as much about the Design Pattern Police that seems to rule Javaland. Java itself is flexible enough, even if not everything is possible, but sometimes its inhabitants are… well, pedantic.
There, I’ve said it.
Well, in C_land where I think you live, you have to do so much actions
yourself. While in the better JavaLand where I live, we just let every
thing do their own actions; we do not take their own business. For
example: while I’m doing video games, I can just send a message to the
garbage can to dump itself, that’s it, and the garbage will do the
dumping action himself. The only thing I have to do is to tell it to…
See? in JavaLand, everything is responsible for its own action.
By the way, everything in JavaLand is a “living thing” and is called object. The God in JavaLand is called the JVM, a virtual god. hehehe!
That is brilliant! Your skills with English are as top notch as your
analysis of one of Java’s main down sides. It is exactly that
noun-centricity that makes Java code so verbose and because of the
verbosity so difficult to manage once there are so many nouns involved.
After choosing to go to Javaland for an extended trip and then asking
myself why I put myself in a tar pit, I again have the privilege of
working with “higher level” languages (Perl, Ruby, Python) and feel like
I have wings rather than heavy black pitchy shoes.
Complainers: all good programers should be always looking at other languages, just for the sake of stretching out that thing you call a brain. If you are so incensed by Steve’s post, to the point that you can’t even appreciate his fine usage of English, then it is quite obvious that you haven’t been exploring the language landscape. Jump on a train, be it Ruby-express, Python-pacifc, Haskell-contintental, Lisp-overnight, or whatever. But get out of Javaland for a vacation and see what the landspace has to offer you. You might be surprised by the lovely scenery!
It’s easier for me to understand a system if it’s written in a
procedural language like C even without its documentation. But the same
system written in Java is very hard for me to grasp without it’s Doc and
UML. When going to an unfamiliar place, for example, it’s easier to
follow the instruction that directs you how you can go there (e.g, go
straight; at the 3rd street, turn left; cross the first pedestrian and
you will see the train station, blah blah…) than finding objects of
which state and behavior are unfamiliar to you (e.g, when you see a big
blue rectangular building, it’s the most famous shop, if it’s not blue
but is big, it’s probably the hospital; neglect those shop and hospital
because you must pay attention to the yellow building which is the
restaurant. Continue roaming around the city until you see the shop, the
hospital, and the restaurant which are beside each other; When you found
the right restaurant and it is open, enter and eat some food there,
otherwise, go home and cook your own food!).
IMO, if you’re gonna use or read programs written in OOP, you have to see its UML first to make it easy to visualise the system. An OOP and a UML put together, noone can put assunder. Happy Wedding!!!
George - nice example, but you could have done Ruby a litte better, and
hense, more lisp-like with:
def sum(ary)
ary.inject { |total,i| total+1 }
though I don’t really like the name ‘inject’. ‘apply’ is better, but I think there is a term closer to “sum”, that doesn’t mean “mathimatical summation” but more like “apply block to each item with a running result”. I can’t think of what that word is though…
avi - I think it is worth noting that Groovy does not live under King
Java’s rule. They both live independently under the JVM/JRE’s rule. The
JVM came to be in order to enable King Java limitless domain. From that
first start, the JRE (aka the Java std lib) came to be implemented in
Java, but once complied it is just JVM code that can be taken advantage
of by any resident of JVM land without respect to any given ruler.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, you verbs don’t know how to work the system. In Java 5,
you can use the nouns’ own constructs against them and become
first-class objects yourselves.
public class DoSomething // A verb is a first-class object!
implements Callable<ReturnType>
ParamType param;
// Constructor records parameters
// to the verb:
public DoSomething( ParamType _param )
param = _param;
// The verb’s own verb is just a call():
public ReturnType call()
// Really do something
return returnTypeInstance;
And here’s how you get used, Mr. Verb:
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
// Create the verb and pass it the required params:
Future<ReturnType> future = pool.submit(new DoSomething(
paramTypeInstance ));
// Then call it blandly in a separate step:
ReturnType returnTypeInstance = future.get();
Yucky, yes, and just to become first-class citizens of Javaland like the nouns, you’ve now stooped to their level. But then, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs, can you?
Al-Tamimi said…
Very well written! A witty story and a very valid point.
Having to make an excessively long series of method calls, instantiating and passing a multitude of objects along the way, indicates bad OO design and bad API design. An API that forces you to jump through hoops like that is a poorly designed API. Yes, decoupling and abstraction are powerful concepts, and design patterns save a lot of time and effort. However, an API that includes too many design patterns, too many layers of abstraction, and too many decoupling stages, is not a well designed API. I don’t see this as a Java problem or an OO problem. Bad designs can be accomplished in any programming language. In English, you can construct simple and easy to understand sentences, but you can also construct horrendously long and complicated sentences. I could say something along the lines of: With regards to something, and taking into consideration another thing, but notwithstanding a third thing, the fourth thing, however much fooing a fifth thing, foos a sixth thing with a seventh thing, while being fooed by an eighth thing for the purposes of a ninth thing, which fooifies a tenth thing, thereby disenfooing an eleventh thing. Sentences with structures like these should probably be broken up. Similarly, APIs that require you to write code like the examples of the horseshoe nail fable should probably be redesigned.
Thanks for the very memorable and enjoyable blog post :-)
Very nice article I must admit. Despite this “noun-thing” Java is not a
pure object language anyway in a sense Smalltalk is. There are primitive
types (nouns still) which are allowed to run naked.
Talking about nouns, some problems really are best modeled as relations between nouns. Having some verbs roaming freely does no good here. These things (pun intended) are what Java is good for and there’s no point to complain that you can find a certain case where it’s not applicable or something is difficult. For one thing, Java is _designed_ to make certain things difficult/impossible. Despite your specific project, in general, Java serves it’s purpose well. Ever wondered why it became so popular in the first place, having strong competing noun/verb languages advocated by companies such as Microsoft and Borland? Certainly not because of dominant market position of Sun Microsystems.
I think this whole argument is quite similar to conversation I had years ago with a Oracle DB administrator. This guy wanted to model everything using his mighty relational database. Not only information. Instead of having some evil “Java nouns” I had proposed to do the thinking outside the database he wanted to do the work with Oracle SQL stored procedures. The guy was very fixated on the idea of having data (nouns) and stored procs (verbs) this way. After a short while it became apparent he did not know anything about the realm of object oriented programming.
To actually have any meaningful conversation the people involved should have visited these countries. If you never travel outside C-land or Perl-land, your knowledge about the alien culture of Javaland comes from some random rants found on ancient websites. Vice versa, of course. People should travel more! Unfortunately it takes some time to visit the countries, but as in real world, people who actually travel around are less likely to express strong negative opinions about other cultures.
Norris said…
Jesse Millikan,
The example “Take a list of numbers and square them” comes to mind. You can just barely get away with it in 4 lines of C#.
It doesn’t work like map, but
foreach (int num in numlist) { num *= num; }
would seem to do this just fine.
You’re right that the complete absence of polymorphic math functions in c# is wildly broken. This is arguably the most broken non-feature of c#.
If you wanted to, you could implement a library with static functions like Polymorphic.Add(object a, object b), but this would involve performing runtime typechecks and manually downcasting to the appropriate types. Possibly even worse, it wouldn’t work with classes that implemented their own operator overloading.
To add a C++ version to George’s list of sum functions, implemented of
course using the much more general accumulate function:
template <typename T, size_t N>
T sum( T (&a)[N] ) {
return std::accumulate( a, a+n, T() );
That one only works for arrays, so I might as well add an overload
for container-like types, such as std::tr1::array or std::list :
template <typename C>
typename C::value_type sum( C const &c ) {
return std::accumulate( c.begin(), c.end(), typename C::value_type()
Seriously folks, the problem is not Java or OOP it’s this sophmoric
fetish for patterns. I’ve seen programs in which even the simplest
action has to be passed off to every possibly applicable pattern:
factories and locators and wrappers and ay yi bloody YI!
I’m on a project now to fix a program that was supposed to simplify a 20K line C program that’s been running like clockwork for ten years.
So they hired a Java team of recent college grads eager to demonstrate their flair. The result is 500K lines exercising every conceivable pattern and it doesn’t work.
How come?!
Well! Rube Goldberg was funny. But there’s not anything so interesting as a toaster or a calico cat in this pretentious act of foppish vanity. And if there is a cat or toaster, somewhere in there, we’re going to have to wrangle it out of the factories and the factory.factories, unwrap it from its wrappers, all delegated of course, to in the end find two lovely lines of code that could have done the job elegantly at the start.
It’s like a Russian doll that fills the room and when you’ve pulled them all apart you find a little peanut.
Solovyev said…
Great rant! I recall that when I started programming Java, it was hard
to talk to “normal” people, because suddenly everything MUST be an
object for me, but not for them, duh…
Singh said…
Java is simply more ‘real-world’ by being purely object oriented because
real world IS the kingdom of nouns.
First there is the entity [noun] which has attributes and the entity
does something [verb].
Nouns DO verbs as in:
All the ‘actions’ that you listed, are being done by a noun, just like in the real world.
Okay, we’re getting way off topic here but:
>> SVO: I hate you.
>> VSO: Kiss my ass.
I know you’re joking but actually, there is no object in the second example. VSO would be something like: (V)Kiss (S)you (O)my ass; which isn’t valid English. If you inserted an object you could say ‘(S)You can (V)kiss (O)my ass’ which is, of course, back to SVO (the point being that English is an SVO language so nothing else is valid).
Much more interesting things happen in some Australian Aboriginal languages such as Walbiri where word order plays very little role at all (and the relationship between words is marked by word endings from memory).
That said: arguments about VSO vs SVO etc etc have pretty much nothing to do with the article. Fir ibe tgubg there is, afaik, no reason to think that SVO languages are in any way more or less expressive than languages with other word orderings. Grrr. In any case the point wasn’t the order in which the Nouns or Verbs appear but the relative frequency of their occurence. Java favours nouns apparently.
Cowan said…
And for the record, about 10% of the world’s languages are VSO with the
rest split about evenly between SVO and SOV. Languages with O before S
do exist, but are very, very rare.
In RESTland, there are very few verbs, but the country is verb-centric anyway, because that list of verbs is entirely autonomous. Not all nouns are usable with all verbs, mostly for security reasons, but nouns don’t get to define their own verbs.
Bednarz said…
If you believe Microsoft’s docs for C# 3.0
it looks like C# is becoming much more Functional (lambdas, type
inferencing, query comprehensions).
Jesse: The new syntax for squaring a list of numbers is list.select(x => x * x);
George: The new C# syntax for summing a list is just list.sum(), although for more generality you could also use fold (like lisp’s apply) like so: list.fold((x, y) => x + y);
Bruno Patini
Furtado said…
Never before in my life I had seeing such a great misunderstanding about
some sort of thinking, the thinking of design computer software based on
intelligent objects, behavior plus state, bound, for better human
understanding and maintainability…
And I thought it was just a unimportant, misplaced rant in only one aspect of Java syntax…
My full critic can be found here.
Thanks i dont program in C# so i did not know that.
Cowan said…
In any case, Richard has it wrong. Natural languages are about 10% VSO,
45% SVO, and 45% SOV. The other orders (object before subject) are
incredibly rare, maybe ten languages altogether out of the total list of
7000 or so.
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*Okay, we’re getting way off topic here but:
>> SVO: I hate you.
>> VSO: Kiss my ass.
I know you’re joking but actually, there is no object in the second
VSO: Give the man his due.
(or, if you don’t like the dative noun, and think it VOD, here is VODS, your normal english imperative word order)
VSOD: Give the man his due, dude.
Samuel A.
Falvo II said…
That’s still SVO. The imperative form still has a subject – that subject
is an implied YOU. Therefore:
(You) give [the man] {his dues}.
The words in [square brackets] is the direct object. The {curly braces} in this case is the indirect object.
Oh well. :)
Enzer said…
Of course you forgot how every Important Noun has a cousin, of a lower
strata named Impl in which the true executioner resides.
There is:
which too lofty to do any execution, instead there shall be
model.service.interceptor.ServiceInterceptorImpl as well.
Also, more seriously, I wonder if it is the “architecture” that is being made visible, or something else, less useful.
What a bunch of smarmy crap. Anyone with half a brain can write a
smart-ass ‘critique’ of anything.
So you need to write your functions/methods inside a class file. Oh the pain!
I’ve been working commercially on enterprise systems using both MS and Java over the past 12 years. I’ve struck issues with both. However, I have never struck an issue with Java that equates to anything you wrote.
Your article was pure nonsense.
Sorry, Rob.
I started laughing at ‘All Java people love “use cases”’ and kept on
laughing all the way. Very amusing!
“A verb is a noun, and nounal is not.”
To those of you who don’t understand, a class can be considered a noun, and a method a verb. The method parameters are a ‘contract’, and there is some validity to integrating the suggested default parameter values instead of having to overload methods, but I think the metaphor utilized herein is widely inapplicable.
“I don’t like them, because they don’t like things?”
When I read the “Or whatever you were doing” part in the pseudo-code for
taking out the trash, I thought, “He didn’t have to write that last
clause and it would have been funnier/better.” But then when you
finished off with “…get back to playing video games. Or whatever I was
doing.” That was great. haha, good job.
Highly amusing, throughly enjoyed it.
I read Fowler’s book on Refractoring a few years ago and had issues with it (which brought me on a link from a blog here).
I often wonder the detachment from reality that some languages have, in that eventually a little electron does have to make its way through an ALU to get something done. Some of the later languages appear to require vast hoards of them, rather than a few, to achieve the same effect.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nezda said…
If we take as a premise, anything worth saying is worth saying precisely
and as a corollary, anything worth saying is worth repeating, then maybe
Java isn’t so bad? It is true that under-parameterized n-off’s
can get a little sloppy, but those are performance bugs waiting to be
noticed. Fantastic post - I appreciate you getting people thinking about
garbage in all its real and virtual forms.
A programming language isn’t made to model the real world as static
objects with behavior, but to compute the behavior on objects. The
behavior is the incentive for programming.
The object can be a substitute for a physical thing (e.g. a car) or an abstract concept that’s part of a process (e.g. money in a transaction). Whatever it is, it has no real interest in and of itself. The goal is the result of an action on this object, not the object itself. We want to know how this object has changed, not what this object is. We already know that.
This article sums up my feelings about JAVA perfectly.
You did a great job!
Didn’t notice this noun thing in Java. Did notice that Java code tends
to the verbose. Attributed that to long naming conventions. Expected
this was a reaction to C’s shorter conventions.
COBOL was an early attempt to make a programming language more like English. Calling COBOL verbose is redundant. COBOL invented verbosity.
Whatever language you program, some compiler has to interpret it or translate it using the machine’s native language. It might be instructive to understand that just a bit. Machine languages are nearly all entirely populated with verbs. At the bottom, computers only know how to do things. They don’t even know how to stop. The closest they can get to stopping is “wait for interrupt”, or spin in a loop.
OK, so every machine language instruction carries a verb and one or more nouns to act on. Every analogy eventually breaks down - if one didn’t, it wouldn’t be an analogy - it’d be the thing you’re talking about.
In the translation to machine language, Java, with it’s noun-centric view, requires some serious gyrations to become the verb oriented stream that the machine executes. And, typically, some crap that just doesn’t need to happen gets added to the mix. This is a semantic impedance mismatch. Some really, really good compilers can overcome this. And some Java compilers do. Does yours?
Consider a language that matches the machine better. Forth. OK, so it’s a noun(s) verb order. But that just matches it’s stack orientation. Forth programs are quite terse. A Forth interpreter system can be written in 1 KB of machine language. With tiny overhead like that, most of your machine can be devoted to the problem at hand. And, even as an interpreter, these systems often achieve speeds a third the performance of machine language or C. Totally awesome performance for a system that does not include a compiler. Just as Java pushes you to think in Java, Forth pushes you to think in Forth. How do you think?
I certainly enjoyed reading your article. It’s nice to hear some good
critique. Although I must say I love expressing my ideas in the way Java
land inhabitants do, AND I DO. But because of programming in C#, I avoid
the major performance downfalls; old Microsoft has provided the CLR
which optimizes what I write.
I dream of a land where humans speak to machines in natural language, and they just know what to do. Programmers should invent a platform which unites all languages in one, optimized, multi-layered architecture, in a similar way to what Microsoft has done with .NET.
I could see people like you work on the bottom, optimization levels, and people like me on the higher, more abstract ones, so that we can build large and stable systems, instead of producing arguments on which language or paradigm is best.
Herman said…
We might see slightly better closure support in Java 7:
Many have wondered why it has taken so long to see good closure support in Java. I speculate that one of the reasons Java has very few closure-like interfaces is because of checked exceptions:
Investor said…
After execution of properly written garbage collector, this article
would disappear.
No, really. This article could be written only by someone who has no experience with large projects.
If you run a one-man company, just code as you wish. But I would never work voluntarily with someone who’s favorite programming practice came out in 60’s.
All the actions you adore so much must be taken by somebody / something. No action happens just out of nothing. STEVE takes the trash out, so you call
Now if you have just
and Steve is hard-wired into the action, what happens if Steve dies?
Java is not a toy-language like PHP and it’s design counts on the fact, that the garbage can be carried out by anyone able to do it. So you don’t even need Steve; you just tell “Anybody able to do so, carry out the garbage”:
public interface GarbageCarrier {
public void carry();
Now while maintaining the house, you call:
GarbageCarrier somebody;
// Catch someone who would do it for you
somebody = … //
That’s it. In the world of enterprise projects with dozens of libraries and where you even don’t know in advance, who will ever do something for you (e.g, will it be Hibernate or Toplink?), this approach is not an option, but a necessity. Of course it basically could be written in obsolete procedural way, but I really wish not to co-work on that code.
Ari the
Brown said…
Excellent post!
Allan Kay says that OOP is really about messaging, and, essentially, the verbs are essentially the first class citizen in oopland. This, luckily enough, brings us to a better, more enlightened land:
The land of Procedural OOP. People there feel that objects are like a box - they’re incredibly useful and easy to manipulate, but they can’t work alone. They need messages or verbs to help them out!
To defend my beloved Ruby and to prove a point, let’s use her
(because programming languages are like cars, and langue is feminine in
french) as an example. Everything is an object in Ruby. Everything. Yes,
even methods!
> 5.method(:abs).class
But like I said before, classes are boxes, not cars. A box and an engine
(verb) is a car!
> box = Car.new
> box.spark
> box.start
> box.run
Now, we have used some messages (or verbs) to make this box interesting! In ruby, everything is an object and everything has some basic methods. This is important, because otherwise you’d just have an empty box with NO way for it to interact!
(Case in point, Java’s array primitive. And C’s. And, in fact, all primitives. But an array is most like a box.)
The point is, the purpose of OOP is abstraction and encapsulation. It enables you to think of things on a much higher level, where everything is PROCEDURAL (not necessarily. Could be functional).
OOP tries to make things simpler. So *please* don’t go using it to make things harder. Objects aren’t people - they’re things. Verbs, too, can be objects - they’re ideas. Every verb is an aciton, and every action has an associated idea with it.
Name: Steve
Location: Kirkland, Washington, United States