Collection of Symbolics-Related Pointers to the Literature
- D. Moon, The Architecture of the Symbolics 3600, The 12th Annual International Symposium on
Computer Architecture, pp. 76-83.
- D. Moon, Symbolics Architecture, COMPUTER, January, 1987.
- N. Weste, Chr. Terman, H. Shobe, D. Sarrazin, D. Tan, K. Reti, E. Nestler, H. Minsky, A. Corry, J. Cherry, C. Baker,
The Symbolics Ivory Design and Verification Strategy, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference
on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers & Processors, Rye Brook, October 5-8, 1987.
- N. Weste, Lisp chips increase power with symbolic processing, COMPUTER DESIGN, October 1, 1987.
- J. Walker, Supporting Document Development with Concordia, Proceedings of the 21st Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences, January 1988.
- D.S. Cyphers, D. Moon, Optimizations in the Symbolics CLOS Implementation, here.
- D. Moon, Symbolics Architecture; Wiley; 1990; Chapter 3 of Computers for Artificial
Intelligence Processing, ISBN 0-471-84811-5.
- D. Moon, Genera Retrospective; IEEE; 1991; Order Number 2265.
- Weinreb, D.; Feinberg, N.; Gerson, D.; Lamb, C.: An object-oriented database system to support
an integrated programming environment.
In: Gupta, R.; Horowitz, E. (Hrsg.): Object-Oriented Databases with Applications to CASE,
Networks, and VLSI Design. Series in Data and Knowledge Base Systems. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, S. 117-129. Prentice Hall, 1991.
- Bibtex entries for
the manuals
- The Symbolics Virtual Lisp Machine or Using The DEC Alpha as a
Programmable Micro-Engine"
P.T. Withington, Scott McKay, Gary Palter
Extended abstract submitted to PLDI '94
3 November 1993,
- The Lisp Machine: Noble Experiment or Fabulous Failure?"
P.T. Withington (Symbolics, Inc)
Proceedings of the 40th Anniversary of Lisp - Lisp In The Mainstream -
Conference; November 15-18, 1998 - Berkeley, CA (USA).
- Lisp Lore: a Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine : Second edition,
H. Bromley, R. Lamson, Boston, Kluwer, 1987, ISBN 0-89838-228-9.
Related Stuff
- D. Moon, Chaosnet, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., A.I.MEMO 628, Cambridge, 1981.
Moon, D.A.; Wechsler, A.C.: Operating the Lisp
Machine, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., Working Paper 209, Cambridge, 1981
Stallman, Richard; Weinreb, Daniel; Moon, David
LISP Machine Window System Manual LMI 1983
Stallman, Richard ZMAIL Manual, First Edition
Version 50 LMI April 1983
- D. Moon, Garbage Collection in a Large Lisp System; ACM; 1984-08; Symposium on
Lisp and Functional Programming, August 1984.
Raphals, L.A.: ZMACS, Introductory Manual, LMI,
Cambridge, 1983.
- D. Moon, D., Weinreb, The Lisp Machine Manual, MIT AI Lab, 1981.
Lieberman, H., There's More to Menu System than Meets the Screen, in: Proceedings
ACM SigGraph, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1985, pp. 181-189.
Ciccarelli, E.C., Presentation Based User Interfaces, MIT Ariticial Intelligence
Laboratory, Technical Report 794, August 1984.
Stanley, M. The Flavors System, a Brief Overview,
Toronto, Ontario, Jan. 23, 1983
- D. Moon, Object-Oriented Programming with Flavors, In Proc. OOPSLA'86, International
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, 1986.
- P.H. Dussud, TICLOS: An implementation of CLOS for the Explorer Family, In Proc. OOPSLA'89, International
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, 1989, pp. 215-219.
Steele, G.L. Common LISP, and the connection machine.
Computer Language, Aug. 1986
D.A. Moon, The Common Lisp Object-Oriented Programming Language Standard, In
W. Kim and F. Lochovsky, eds, Object-Oriented Concepts, Applications, and Databases,
Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1988.
S. Keene, Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide to
CLOS, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Rao, R., W. M. York, and D. Doughty, A Guided Tour of the Common Lisp Interface
Manager, In Lisp Pointers, 4(1991).
- Windows on the World: G. Mason explains the process of porting Lisp system across different
platforms, PROGRAM NOW, February, 1990.
- McKay, S., CLIM: The Common Lisp Interface Manager,
CACM 34(9), pp. 58-59, 1991.
R. Rao, Implementational Reflection in Silica, In Proc. ECOOP'91 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-19, 1991, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
512, Springer, 1991, ISBN 3-540-54262-0, pp. 251-267, (Silica is related to CLIM).
Rowley, S., H. Shrobe, R. Cassels, and W. Hamsher, Joshua: Uniform Access to
Heterogeneous Knowledge Structures or Why Joshing is Better than Conniving or Planning,
In Proceedings of The 1987 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Los Altos:
Morgan Kaufman, 1987: 48-52.
- Eve M. Phillips, If It Works, It's Not AI: A Commercial Look at Artificial Intelligence Startups,
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering, and Master in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science thesis
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
May 7, 1999
- S. Wholey, G. Steele, Connection machine lisp : A dialect of common lisp for data parallel programming,
Supercomputing <2, 1987, Santa Clara> S.45-54
- Lisp machine manual,, D. Weinreb, D. Moon, R. Stallman, Cambridge, Ma, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab., 1983,
692 pages.
- Lisp machine window system manual : Ed. 1.1, system vers. 95, R. Stallman, D. Moon, D. Weinreb,
261 pages, Cambridge, Ma, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab., 1983.
- Flavors: message passing in the lisp machine, D. Weinreb, D. Moon,
Cambridge, Ma, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab., AI MEMO NO 602,
Report-Nr.: AD-A095523.
- Lisp machine progress report, A. Bawden,
Cambridge, Ma, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab., AI MEMO NO 444.
- Barrett, K., Cassels, B., Haahr, P., Moon, D., Playford, K., Withington, P.T.,
A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan,
Proc. OOPSLA'96.
- LISP, Lore, and Logic : an Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications,
William Richard Stark, New York, Springer, 1990, ISBN 0-387-97072-X.
- Paul Graham, "Anatomy of a Lisp Machine", AI Expert, December 1988.
- Pleszkun and Thazhuthaveetil, "The Architecture of Lisp Machines",
IEEE Computer, March 1987.
- Ditzel, Schuler and Thomas, "A Lisp Machine Profile: Symbolics 3650",
AI Expert, January 1987.
- Peter M. Kogge, "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers",
McGraw-Hill 1991. ISBN 0-07-035596-7.
Another List of References
- Adams, N.I.; Rees, J.A.: The T Manual - T, a Dialect of LISP, Version 2,
Yale Univ., Dep. of Computer Science, New Haven, Connecticut, April 24, 1983
- AI memo 444, August 1977, 29 pages; LISP Machine Progress Report;
By Alan Bawden, Richard Greenblatt, Jack Holloway, Thomas Knight,
David Moon, Daniel Weinreb
- Bishop, P.B.: Garbage Collection in a Very Large Address Space, M.I.T., A.I. Lab.,
Working Paper 111, Cambridge, 1975
- Bobrow, D.G.; Clark, D.W.: Compact Encodings of List Structure,
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1979, pp. 266-286
- Bobrow, D.G.; Darley, D.L.; Deutsch, L.P.; Murphy, D.L.; Teitelman, W.:
The BBN 940 LISP System, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Proj. 8668,
Sc. Rep. 9, Cambridge, 15 July 1967
- Bromley, Hank; Lamson, Richard
LISP LORE: a guide to programming the LISP machine.
Boston, Dordrecht, Lancaster 2. Aufl. 1987
- Brooks, Rodney A.; Gabriel, Richard P. A Critique of Common LISP. ACM 1984
- Burke, G.: Introduction to NIL, M.I.T., Lab. for Computer Science,
Cambridge, Mass., March 1983
- Burke, G.S.; Carrette, G.J.; Eliot, C.R.: NIL Reference Manual,
M.I.T., Lab. for Computer Science, MIT/LCS/TR-311, Camridge, Jan. 1984
- Burke, G.S.; Carrette, G.J.; Eliot, C.R.: NIL Notes for Release 0.259,
M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., June 1983
- Chailloux, J.: La Machine LLM3, INRIA Rapports Techniques, No. 55,
Rocquencourt, Juillet 1985
- Ciccarelli, E.C., Presentation Based User Interfaces,
MIT Ariticial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical Report 794, August 1984.
- Deutsch, P.L.: A LISP Machine with Very Compact Programs, 3. IJCAI 1973
- Ditzel, Schuler and Thomas, "A Lisp Machine Profile: Symbolics 3650",
AI Expert, January 1987.
- P.H. Dussud, TICLOS: An implementation of CLOS for the Explorer Family,
In Proc. OOPSLA'89, International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
Systems, Languages and Applications, 1989, pp. 215-219.
- Fateman, R.J.: Is a LISP Machine Different from a FORTRAN Machine ?,
SIGSAM Bull., Vol. 12 (1978), No. 4
- Flynn, A.M.: The Connection Machine RAM Chip, M.I.T., A.I. Lab.,
Working Paper 242, Cambridge, 1983
- Gabriel, Richard P. Performance and Evaluation of LISP Systems. The MIT Press,
Cambridge/London, 1986
- Paul Graham, "Anatomy of a Lisp Machine", AI Expert, December 1988.
- Greenblatt, R: The LISP Machine, AI Lab, MIT, Cambridge, 1975
- Hayashi, H.; Hattori, A.; Akimoto, H.: ALPHA - a High-Performance LISP Machine
Equipped with a New Stack Structure and Garbage Collection System.
10th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, IEEE, 1983
- Holloway, J.; Steele, G.L.jr.; Sussman, G.J.; Bell, A.: The Scheme-79 Chip,
M.I.T., A.I. Lab., A.I.MEMO 559, Cambridge, 1980
- AI memo 528, May 1979, 44 pages; CADR; By Thomas F. Knight, Jr., David A. Moon,
Jack Holloway, Guy L. Steele, Jr.
- Knight, T.: CONS AI Lab, MIT, Cambridge, 1975
- Knight, T.: ? LISP Machine Internal Storage Formats,
LISP Machine Documentation LMDOC;FORMAT, Feb. 21, 1979
- Knight, T.: ? The LISP Machine Macro-Instruction Set,
LISP Machine Documentation LMDOC;MACRO, Feb. 21, 1979
- Peter M. Kogge, "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers",
McGraw-Hill 1991. ISBN 0-07-035596-7.
- Lieberman, H.: Logo Turtle Graphics for the LISP Machine, M.I.T., A.I. Lab.,
Working Paper 214, Cambridge, 1981
- Lieberman, H., There's More to Menu System than Meets the Screen,
in: Proceedings ACM SigGraph, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1985, pp. 181-189.
- The LMI Lambda Field Service Manual. LMI, Cambridge, 1984
- Marshall, M.: LISP Computers Go Commercial, Electronics, Nov. 20, 1980
- McCarthy, J.: On Operator Systems, Mass. Inst. of Technology, Computation Center,
Cambridge, Feb. 16, 1959
- Meyer, E.W. jr.: LISP - A Prototype Machine Language for a LISP Computer, ...
January 9, 1967
- "Symbolics Architecture", David A. Moon, IEEE Computer,
vol. 20:1, January 1987, pp. 43-52.
- D. Moon, Symbolics Architecture; Wiley; 1990;
Chapter 3 of Computers for Artificial Intelligence Processing,
ISBN 0-471-84811-5.
- D. Moon, Genera Retrospective; IEEE; 1991; Order Number 2265.
- D. Moon, D., Weinreb, The Lisp Machine Manual, MIT AI Lab, 1981.
- Moon, D.A.: Lisp Machine Choice Facilities, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., Working Paper 208A,
Cambridge, 1981
- Moon, D.A.; Wechsler, A.C.: Operating the Lisp Machine, M.I.T., A.I. Lab.,
Working Paper 209, Cambridge, 1981
- David A. Moon. Object-oriented Programming with Flavors. OOPSLA '86 Proceedings, November 1986.
- David A. Moon. MACLisp reference manual. Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 1974.
- David A. Moon. Architecture of the Symbolics 3600.
In Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
pages 76-83, Boston, MA, June 1985.
- Pleszkun and Thazhuthaveetil, "The Architecture of Lisp Machines",
IEEE Computer, March 1987.
- R. Rao, Implementational Reflection in Silica,
In Proc. ECOOP'91 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-19, 1991, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 512, Springer, 1991, ISBN 3-540-54262-0, pp. 251-267
- Raphals, L.A.: ZMACS, Introductory Manual, LMI, Cambridge, 1983
- Raphals, L.A.; Smith, S.: Introduction to the LISP System, Operations Manual, LMI,
Cambridge, 1983
- Roads, C. B. 3600 Technical Summary Cambridge (USA), 1983
- Roberts, R.B.; Goldstein, I.P.: The FRL Manual, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., A.I.MEMO 409,
Cambridge, 1977
- Roberts, R.B.; Goldstein, I.P.: The FRL Primer, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., A.I.MEMO 408,
Cambridge, 1977
- Communications of the ACM, (Lisp issue), Volume 34, Number 9, September, 1991
- Slade, Stephen The T Programming Language. A Dialect of LISP. Englewood Cliffs 1987
- Stallman, Richard; Weinreb, Daniel; Moon, David
LISP Machine Window System Manual LMI 1983
- Stallman, Richard ZMAIL Manual, First Edition Version 50 LMI April 1983
- Stanley, M. The Flavors System, a Brief Overview, Toronto, Ontario, Jan. 23, 1983
- Guy L. Steele Jr., Gerald J. Sussman: Design of a LISP-Based Microprocessor.
CACM 23(11): 628-645 (1980)
- Steele, G.L. Common LISP, and the connection machine. Computer Language, Aug. 1986
- Steele, G.L. jr.: Trees, (Poem), BYTE, 1973
- Steele, G.L.jr.; Sussman, G.J.: Design of LISP-Based Processors or,
SCHEME: A Dielectric LISP or, Finite Memories Considered Harmful or,
LAMBDA The Ultimate Opcode, M.I.T., A.I. Lab., A.I.MEMO 514, Cambridge, 1979
- Symbolics Software,Symbolics, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1981
- Teitelman, W. Ten years of window systems - a retrospective view.
- Teitelman, W.: Ears, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, 18 Oct. 1977
- Teitelman, W.: "Do What I Mean": The Programmer's Assistant,
Computers and Automation, April, 1972
- Teitelmann, W. A Display oriented Programmer's Assistant. Palo Alto, Jan. 1981
- Texas Instruments Explorer Technical Summary. q. TI Austin, Texas 1984
- Explorer LISP Reference. Texas Instruments, TI Part No.: 2243201-0001, June 1985
- J. Walker, Supporting Document Development with Concordia,
Proceedings of the 21st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
January 1988.
- Daniel Weinreb and David Moon: Lisp Machine Manual, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
MIT, January 1979.
- N. Weste, Chr. Terman, H. Shobe, D. Sarrazin, D. Tan, K. Reti, E. Nestler, H.
Minsky, A. Corry, J. Cherry, C. Baker,
The Symbolics Ivory Design and Verification Strategy,
Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design:
VLSI in Computers & Processors, Rye Brook, October 5-8, 1987.
- N. Weste, Lisp chips increase power with symbolic processing,
COMPUTER DESIGN, October 1, 1987.
- Jon L. White: ``NIL--A Perspective'', 1979 Macsyma Users' Conference Proceedings;
Washington, DC; June 20-22, 1979.
All trade names are the property of their respective owners.